Going through any type of situation where your relationships start to degrade can be a really tough time on everyone. There are so many emotions running through your head that many people often forget to take care of themselves in these situations. That includes the basic healthy lifestyle things as well as finding a solicitor to help them through their situation.
It can be tough to find a good solicitor at the best of times especially when you are emotionally distraught. Luckily however many family lawyers offer free consultation. These meetings are a great opportunity for both parties to get to know the ins and outs of a case.
To help you on your search we have come up with a short list of questions you should be asking during family lawyers free consultation.
What is your experience in the field?
One of the first questions you should be asking during a family lawyer free consultation is what their experience is dealing with these types of cases. Considering that law is a very broad field it is important that you get someone on your side who knows the ins and outs of this specific specialty.
During the family lawyer free consultation they will normally start by saying how long they have been representing their clients for in this manner. If it does however not come up be sure to ask as they may be avoiding the topic.
What is the pricing structure for your firm?
Another great questions to ask during a family lawyer free consultation is how they charge their clients. While the family lawyer free consultation may have no cost that doesn’t mean that other informal meetings won’t have a fee. With that in mind knowing what you are paying at the beginning ensures that you won’t be hit with any unusual or hidden fees that you were unaware of.
How do you like to communicate with your clients?
Communication is everything during a legal case and from such your solicitor should disclose how they like to communicate before you do business. That means that you should be aware if they only answer to emails or they also like to have a chat on the phone. This question can also tie in with the previous regarding what you will be charged for.
Some solicitors may prefer certain methods of communication solely because you will have to pay for a 5 minute chat. Be sure to ask and challenge any of these policies that you may not necessarily agree with.
Have you represented any cases similar to mine in the past?
Experience and expertise is everything when it comes to the legal system. Knowing how the courts like to operate is a very beneficial perk to have in your corner. Asking if the solicitor has represented any cases to yours in the past allows you to understand what approach that may take to your case. With past experience on their side they will know what things to do and the other things to avoid.
Additionally working with cases similar to yours will allow your representation to give you a good sense of the situation of your case at all times and adjust the strategy if the situation calls for it.
By now you should have some questions to ask during a family lawyer free consultation. The most important factor to remember is that this meeting is as much for you as it is for the solicitor. Ask as many questions as you need as you may be working with this person for an extended period of time.